Friday, 25 March 2011

job roles

Sheryl Richards played one of the characters within our trailer. She had to show an abusive character, but also a worried character as she played a girl who was pregnant and was worried what to do. Sheryls character was someone that put on a front in her friends presence but when we saw her on her own she was actually very vunerable and scared about her situation. Sheryl played her role effectively and was also a big help to our production.

Bobbi Doyle played a big part within our trailer. She performed well as she had the biggest acting part. Bobbi had to act as the gang leader, who threw abuse at the neighbourhood and pushed drugs on to other characters. She did a good job of acting confident and loud as a gang leader would. Bobbi was very confident herself and portrayed a character that was very important in our trailer. She was a great use to our production.

Sarah is my group partner. Her job roles consisted of planning and researching to make sure our trailer, magazine cover and film poster were effective in their job. Sarah is also very artistic, so her role was to produce the film poster and magazine cover as she was able to see the most effective way of attracting an audience. She did a really good job and presented the magazine cover and poster in which made them appealing and made them look realistic and persuasive. She used effective font and colours. Another job that Sarah had was a actor as she played a main character, who was going through alot of peer pressure and was self harming. She played this part really well and portrayed the characters emotions effectively.

Me, Melissa Doyle My main job when producing this film trailer, magzine cover and poster was to plan and research the things in which will be included and how as we as a group were going create a social realism film trailer, and create alongside a film poster and film magazine cover. I feel I did this sufficently and everything went well and to plan. Another job role I had was to be camera operator, I feel that I did the best I could and tried to use my knowledge about the meaning of certain camera angles, movement and shots to portray the meaning of the trailer. However I feel I could have imporved this as some of the work was shakey and my camera shots could have been more effective. I also edited the trailer and tried to include the best bits of our fotage and create excitement and creativity, to appeal to the audience. I also starred as one of the characters, I was one of the troubled teens who has got involved in knife crime and in the clip you see my character taking a knife from the kitchen.

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