Friday 7 January 2011

Film Magazine covers.

The first Magazine cover I am going to look at is the cover for Entertainment. I can identify this as the word entertainment is on the cover in big bold blue writitng. This is so everyone can see and attracts the attention of the reader. Another thing that the cover includes is a photo of two main characters within the film new moon which is part of the twighlight saga. The facial expressions of these two actors are very serious as if they are in character for the photo. The characters Bella and Jacob also are made to look 3D as Jacobs head is infront some of the Title of the magazine. (entertainment). This makes the magazine cover stand out alot and makes it attracting to the eye. Therefore readers will buy it. In the bottom left had conner the film New Moon is mentioned in bright white bold text. In the bottom right hand conner is other things that will be in the magazine, in this case in bold yellow, white and red writing it says "All The Buzz On 112 Fall Movies.' It also has pictures underneath this text to attract the readers attention. The colours on the magazine cover are very bright and attracting to the eye.

The second magazine cover I will be analysing is the magazine cover for Empire. I am able to indentify this as it is the title at the top in bold , upper case, red writitng. The font is also quite unique this is something that will stand out the reader alot. The image on this magazine cover is of the character Harry potter which is very popular, so this will attract a wide audience. However the image doesn't seem as important on this cover as it does on the one for Entertainment as the text stands out alot more and the image looks like it is in the background. Another reason why the title Empire stands out so much is because it is such a bright colour and the image is really dull and dark. The other text also isn't that bright because it is yellow and white. On the left hand side in small writting it says ' 45 new movies you need to know about and right now!'. This is not very visible as it in a small text. The text underneath that is more visible is the names on the new movies such as Harry Potter, Star Trek, Green Zone. The reason that this is in much bigger font than the other text is the audience will be attracted to the magazine just by seeing the names of the films. Below that is a another image which is mixed images from the different films that the magazine will talk about. In the right hand conner is the bar code. Above that is more text which says something about the image and mentions Harry Potter to relate to the image.

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